Friday, March 27, 2015

I've Been Stuck in A Reservation All This Long…WHY HASN'T ANYBODY TOLD ME?

Junior lived on a reservation for most of his life so far. The many people that are on the reservation haven't even laid a single foot off from there. It makes me wonder, do the people have been stuck at the same place for most of their life that they have become afraid to step out from their comfort zone? Or could it possibly be similar to like Junior's situation? His reservation is filled with people that have lost their sense of hope and most of the Indians there wash all of the dreams away with alcohol. Junior had a sense of courage and he felt that the reservation just wasn't enough for him. With the encouragement from Mr. P, he saw the opportunity that was laid out to him and he took the chance and went for it. Junior is a great example showing that simply because other Indians haven't decided to leave their home, that he should follow them as well. Junior is a unique person who dreams big, that seems like many people on the reservation simply forgot to do. The only beauty that I find in being in the reservation is the fact how close people are to one another and know how to communicate. Although many people don't seem to be understanding about Junior wanting to expand his knowledge and learn. Besides that, I think nature is what makes the reservation seem mysterious and makes you want to explore it. Yet nature works in the strangest of ways, always growing and blossoming into something magnificent that can make anybody's heart stop for a moment. There is also a consideration that nature just doesn't remain in one place, it is constantly moving.  Of course tree don't just grow legs and walk, but with the help with people, animals, insects, and so forth nature has the power to overcome anything. So in a way Junior is like nature because no matter how many times people try to pressure their beliefs and make him seem lower than he is, he knows how to crush silly comments like those. It's like a simple vine breaking from the cement on the ground.
Although last time I checked, I don't live on a reservation like Arnold does but hypothetically speaking I am part of many reservations. I won't give the typical answer an say that school is my reservation because to be honest the school is my escape and sense of freedom. Technically my own home is my reservation. A small house set aside for me to be happy with my family and just for me to feel happy.Yet I feel like that's not good enough, I want to make my life the most and not be surrounded by people in my home who won't take the time to help me grow properly. So I set out like Junior from my reservation where I felt like I was in an endless circle of misunderstandings and kept moving on and finding the many talents I have. Yes reservations are important to keep in touch with heritage but I think reservations are also a good way to help somebody go towards their goals.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Native Sun

Max's speech although very long and verbiage, he made a huge impact on Bigger's life. For once, somebody spoke about Bigger in a kind manner and expressed how Bigger felt. Max was trying to comprehend what Bigger was thinking and tried to understand him. In a way for once somebody actually took the time and see him as a human being who has been misunderstood through out the past years. I believed the Max made a great point that the death penalty would do nothing for Bigger. Two lives have been taken away already, do more of them need to be taken to prove a point to the people. The only thing that I believe that the court is trying to enforce is unnecessary fear to the people. I do not believe that the death penalty is a reasonable act of justice. The death penalty stands as an easy way out of a crime and in a way is an act of murder. The further I think about it, I see that the death penalty is practically a way to evoke somebody's living rights. I don't have any sympathy for Bigger as a person because of the outrageous crimes that he has done. However, some sympathy dose arise when I read that Bigger will be executed. Perhaps he would have a different life and being able to finally learn how to become human while in prison. 

Buckley, when he was speaking in front of the court was just saying scattered pieces of evidence and made them connect to make it seem like what Bigger was saying is simply a lie. Yes, Bigger did commit a gruesome, unimaginable crime but it was stated clearly by him that it was accidental when he was questioned. At this point, what does Bigger gain in lying? Nothing to be honest, since clearly all evidence points at him as being guilty. Buckley frustrates me as his speech is what actually determined Bigger's life. Everybody forgot about what Max is said, and at this point you can even say that everyone who was in their courtroom was blind in their own way.