Saturday, September 13, 2014

Arrivals... There Goes The Neighborhood"

Point of View: Native American
As I looked onward, I see more strange men come onto the land. We greet them with the same manners as if a relative came to visit, meaning we show them hospitality but on the inside we will be groaning.  They come in large structure that roam across the seas. Could these people possibly be from the skies and come in to bring us support? I was wrong, these people were not the heavenly spirits that we know of. They come in and take the land that was mean to be used for enjoyment and tradition into a pice of property. I find it quite disgraceful of these so called "explorers" come in and can simply take land as if it were something to take ownership of. I look on and disapprove of this actions as they are slowly making us break from our kinship and clans that took years to form.

A man named Columbus came off from the large structure and spoke a strange language. He was dressed in strange thin clothing that was far different from what I was wearing. The fur from the buffalo covered me and helped me survive the harsh cold winters, but with the clothing that he was wearing he would not be able to withstand the winter. The others in my clan were amazed by all of the new technology that these travelers from the seas brought. I would be lying if I said I wasn't amazed by it too. These people seem very advance, rather than spirits of nature, could they possibly be from the future? Is this what is waiting for us in the future? If it is so, then I am not anticipating for it. Columbus continued on, speaking his weird gibberish when suddenly another person stepped in and spoke our tribal language. A sense of relief settled in me, but that does not mean my guard was let down. As I looked at others in my tribe, they hurriedly gave these strange people gifts such as fur and various foods to them. I offered them some of the beads that the tribe makes and they took it hungrily, as if wanting more gifts. One man stepped towards me taking one of my ears into their hand and touched my golden earring. I suddenly froze at the sudden contact when my mother stepped in front of me and offered the man some herbs and spices. I sighed in relief. These aliens show weird manners and it disgusts me on the inside. I can not rebel against these people that have encountered the land because the rest of my clan seem to find them fascinating. I shall remain silent in the meantime and handle these people calmly until they leave.

I was soon bedazzled by a strange object called the compass. It is so new to me that I have no idea how to describe it. It was round and had sticks on the inside. Whenever I moved to a certain direction, the sticks in the compass would also move towards a drawing. This must possibly be a way of the spirits saying in which direction the nature spirits show great strength and happiness. I decided to barter this for the buffalo fur that I own to the aliens. They gladly took it. My point of view of them made me change my view of them positively, that is until they started claiming land and taking control. We were forced to tell them where other clans can be found and give them most of the items that we owned for them as gifts. Few men would stay while Columbus and his other followers left on the waters, taking some of the member from my kinship. I wept as I saw them go, surely I would never see them again. Despair swept my home as no more music or oral stories were being told. Festive celebrations and hunting would soon cease as labor and "farming" took over. I wonder what the future holds now. I wish they didn't decide to come and stay in our land an disrespected the nature spirits...

There goes the land now.

1 comment:

  1. Your narrative has a great representation of curiosity and and foreign cultures clashing from the natives' point of view. Although I would have loved to see more aggression shown by the settlers, as suggested in the last paragraph, this is overall well written. Nice job!
